Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dinner-424 Harding Avenue Apt A (Steaks and Potatoes)

Hello again,

This is my first dinner blog post of the semester and it was a great experience that I have never had before and cannot wait to share it.

My friend Lindsey invited me over to her place for dinner and it so happen that her roommate was in the geography of wine class. So i told them that i would buy some wine for the occasion while they provided the food. I asked what they were going to cook so i could do a little research and select a bottle of wine the would be complimentary to the food that we were going to be having that night. They said they were going to make steaks so I did some research and found out that red wine goes great with meats so i set out to find a nice bottle of red wine.

I don't know too much about wine in general and I did not know what the difference was between a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Pinot Noir only that they're both red wines. So I went with a wine that had a creative label on it. That wine turned out to be a Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile named Rex Goliath.
Rex Goliath Bottle 
This bottle has a unique label which is dedicated to a rooster name Rex Goliath who was a circus attraction because it was a 47 pound rooster. Rex the rooster  was deemed the 'Worlds Largest Rooster" so the wine is a tribute to "Rex's larger than life personality". 

Back of the bottle with the story of Rex Goliath.

I got to my Lindsey's house with the bottle on hand and was treated to cooking my own steak to my own liking which was great because I enjoy cooking.
Cooking my steak on the right, vegetable medley on the left.
As we waited for the steaks to be done, we decided to start drinking some wine. Lindsey has a this electric wine opener that she had not tried out so we used it on the bottle I brought over. 
The electric wine opener and bottle

Foil cutter on the wine bottle to remove the foil

Lindsey using the electric wine opener to remove the cork.

The way the electric opener worked was that it was a normal cork screw remover that used power to move down into the cork screw and then had a button to lift it out of the bottle. Just a fancy to remove the cork. 

I poured myself a glass and tried the Rex Goliath and it was amazing. I have had red wines before and never really like them but this wine was something different.The wine itself was very dark in color but had a rich body to it as well. The smell of the wine was of a oak fruity scent.It had really big fruit flavors instead of that earthly taste that most wines have. Tasted like a raspberry/ plum fruit. It was smooth to drink and was a big hit along with my friends too. 

Me smelling the wine. 
Lindsey, Erin, and Rex

That was before we had the food so I was expecting the flavor of the wine to change once we began to eat. Everyone steak was done and we were ready to indulge in the meat. The sides the accompanied our steaks were a baked potato and a beautiful vegetable medley. I took a bite of the steak and sip of wine and the flavors just mixed together. The steak had a spicy coating from the marinade and the wine cooled it down which was a great combination. The vegetables did not making a difference along with the wine but the baked potato did have a difference. I felt that wine melted the potato in my mouth making it less saturated and more like a cream mash. Overall the wine went great with the food. 
Steak, baked potato, veggies.

It was a night with great food, wine and friends and we hope that we can do something again like this in the future. 


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